November 24, 2009

Things To Be Thankful For.

Holiday travel, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways...
1. Load the car with luggage and 2 big hairy, shedding dogs.
2. Drive north on 75 into Oklahoma through the armpit of America... literally.
3. Go 65mph, 55mph, 45mph, 35mph, 45mph, 55mph, 65mph over and over again until you reach your destination. Claremore, OK.
4. Stay 4 days
5. Repeat in the reverse order.

It is a damn good thing I love my family so much. I am not kidding, I married into the best family that has ever graced this earth.

Holidays with the gang is nothing shy of overwhelming in the best possible way. Take this Thanksgiving for example, there will be 10 adults, 6 dogs, 3 children, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and a partridge in a pear tree. The bedrooms will be full and the living room floor will be occupied every night. 5 o' clock comes really early when you stay up late making farting noises into the wee hours with your loving husband, sister-in-law and cousin. Yes, we are adults, but there is nothing funnier at holidays than making farting noises all night until we get told to quiet down (which happens every year). When 5 o'clock does arrive, it does so with a bang. Deeya (Grandma)heads into the kitchen and as my husband affectionately says, "builds a house". She literally opens every cabinet at least once, opens each drawer and closes it twice and must load and unload the dishwasher at least 3 times. We try to pretend to sleep for a bit longer until all the dogs of the house are released from the pent up sleeping quarters, then it is over. Hello 7am.

Next is shower time. I have successfully made a deal with my mother-in-law to wake me up before everyone else so I can get in and get out before the onslaught of showers to follow. This especially comes in handy Christmas morning so I don't look like complete garbage for pictures. So 10 people use 2 showers. I feel bad for the sucker that is last in line. I am sure the hot water runs out at about 6 or 7.

Food. This is always the most amazing part of every trip. The caliber of food that comes out of Deeya's kitchen from all the ladies in the house would scare the socks off Bobby Flay. I challenge you to a Thanksgiving Throwdown! I have never in my entire life had better cheesecake than my Aunt's. And she actually had the nerve to ask if anyone wanted it this year... ummmm, yeah!

Entertainment. There is no better entertainment than the babies of the house. Not so much babies anymore, the entertainment value is still there. Not a single holiday goes by without breaking out the dance music and having a full on dance off in the living room by the little ones. They are the most adorable kids in the world. I just can't get enough of them! With last year's introduction of Guitar Hero though, there is some serious competition for center stage. No one will ever beat me on drums. I repeat, no one. I am the master.

So even with all the crazy that ensues during the holidays and the moments you can't get a word in edgewise, there is not a single place I would rather be. And for that, I am thankful.

Happy Thanksgiving.

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