July 30, 2010

The Story of High School Sweethearts

Once upon a time there was a boy named Zach and a girl named Kristin. They grew up in different parts of the world. Zach was from Arkansas (stop laughing, it ruins the moment) and Kristin was from Ohio. When Zach's dad decided to move to Ohio, his family loaded up the station wagon and hit the road. Since Zach was in the middle of the school year, he was known at school as the new kid from California (he had long white hair). Lots of girls thought he was cute, but Kristin didn't really see it, not that she could really talk since she was sporting some shit-crazy mall bangs and dressed like her mom. They continues to live their separate lives in the same school for the remainder of the year. It was not until 9th grade that their lives crossed paths.

World Awareness class was where the sparks really flew. OK, maybe not, since we both thought the other person was weird. He thought I dressed like a teacher and she thought he was a really dirty skater dude. Late in 9th grade they realized they had mutual friends. Kristin's boyfriend at the time (David)was one of Zach's best friends. Now they found themselves to be in the same place at the same time on several occasions. The continued the rest of 9th grade as acquaintances.

In 10th grade Kristin got another boyfriend, Dave (she wss such a slut) this one also happened to be one of Zach's best friends. Apparently she had a thing for "Davids". Since they were still all in the same circle of friends, they were friendly. Dave eventually dumped Kristin at school and she was devastated. Kristin had convinced herself that she would marry every boy she went out with. Zach saw her in the hall between classes and knew she was upset. He hugged her and told her it would be alright. Bam. Kristin found her next boyfriend. Now, if only she could convince Zach...

As a newly single lady, Kristin continued to hang out with her ex-boyfriend David (the first one, you follow?) as now he was going out with her best friend, Ashley. Ashley and David did their best to hook Zach and Kristin up, since it just made sense. Duh! Eventually when a Sadie's Hawkins dance was going on at school and Kristin asked, Zach said yes. It was learned years later that the reason he went is because David begged him and Kristin offered to pay for the tickets. The picture below is of said dance. Doesn't Zach look thrilled to be going on this date?

About a month after that dance, Zach and Kristin were an item. They dated all through high school and into college. They had one brief separation when Zach was looking for greener pastures, but he eventually found his way back. On December 17, 2004 Zach proposed to Kristin in the most amazing way ever and 8 months later... they got married. Shortly after getting married, Zach got a job and they packed up and moved cross country to Dallas. They work for the same company and love life in Texas with their 2 dogs. And they lived happily ever after - hopefully with babies eventually.

The End.

July 1, 2010

Peer Pressure

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a while. A long while. Let me just take a second to get you caught up. I know, you are on the edge of your seat.

Hmmmm, since April I have done the following:
- Started the South Beach Diet and have lost 12lbs so far.
- Started running again - my 3 mile run after work today will be the third 3 mile run this week
- Worked on a long, boring and tedious project for work that took 2 months of my life I will never get back
- Took my dog in for a follow-up to the gum incident he had (see previous post) and his liver enzymes were back to normal. That was the good news. The bad news was that he had a lump that the vet wanted to take out. It turned out to be pre-cancerous so I am glad that we had that taken out.

Whew. Now that is off my chest.

So, when I was prompted to post a new entry (Thanks Heather) I asked what I should blog about because this seems to be the biggest problem for me. She had the following suggestions: "Top 10 best moments of your life, best things to do during summer, your undying love for me...". She then proceeded to dedicate an entire blog entry to me. Check it out. I think in honor of this I should definitely write about...

The top 10 best moments of my life. Ha! I am sure to catch hell for this.

1. Getting Married - Hand down the best day of my life. I guess when you find the right guy (even if that is in high school) you don't let him go. He is swell.

2. Winning 1st place at Dance Nationals. It was the most amazing thing to be able to be a part of. I miss dance tremendously. Those who know me know that I am literally obsessed with So You Think You Can Dance. Don't judge.

3. Getting to be a bridesmaid for Katie (my sister-in-law) this past March. It was the first wedding I had been in where I wasn't the bride. I was so happy for her and Heather and I had a blast.

4. Getting my dogs. This could really count as 2 since there are 2 of them. But I will just count it as 1. Gosh I love them.

5. College. I may not have graduated, but I certainly left school with some amazing memories. The best was one night when our group of friends were all out on the balcony of someone's house. "Cecila" from Paul Simon came on the stereo and there was a moment where all of our feet were stomping to the beat, our hands were clapping and we were singing the song. It rivaled any moment on Almost Famous. Those were the days.

6. Moving to Texas. The second I stepped foot in Dallas, I knew this is where I wanted to be. I miss my parents tremendously but this is where I belong. A fresh start.

7. Moving out of the evil girl house. I don't play well with others. Scratch that, others don't play well with me. I was so happy to move out of the train-wreck my life was living with girls. This has led me to believe that all twins are evil.

8. Getting a real big person job. I never thought I would be the office type. I have become a lot more than I ever thought I could be.

9. Getting boobs. No, not the fake ones, but the real deal. Once I stopped dancing they appeared. Finally. Now they are out of control. Everyone knows it, I can't deny it and I don't have any complaints!

10. Being born. Thank God I don't actually remember this. I would never be able to look at my mom the same way. Here is the logic: if I hadn't been born, I wouldn't be here to talk about the best moments!