January 21, 2010

My List

So a good friend of mine just blogged about his man crushes and in turn I would to divulge my top 10. These are men that if i got the chance with, my husband said go for it! I am sure this means that I need to let him have his way with his one and only girl Alessandra Ambrosia. This list really never changes... so prepare yourself for a barrage of beautiful men. Perhaps I will throw in some lady crushes at the end, just to keep things fair.

1. Ryan Reynolds.
Just look at him. Why would he not be my number 1? Why is he not everyone's number 1? Have you seen Blade Trinity? Chained shirtless to the ground. OMG. I even watched the Amityville Horror on Oxygen just because I saw in the preview that he was chopping wood shirtless. He is Canadian, but I won't hold that against him. And for him to be married to that retched Scarlet Johannsen... Don't get me wrong she is a pretty girl and all, but there is no way that she could satisfy his needs like I could. End.Of.Story.

2. Shemar Moore.
Now I don't often dabble in the love of a darker kind, but for this amazing specimen of man I will. Over and over and over again. He is the most beautiful black man on the planet and make my Wednesday nights that much better from 8-9. Criminal Minds would be lost without him.

3. David Beckham.
Do I really need to explain?

4. Taylor Kitch.
Friday Night Lights' smoking hot bad boy. With a mug like his, I cannot believe this show was ever in danger of getting canceled. Between him and Coach I am in heaven.

5. Brett Favre.
Yes, Brett Favre. If you were to look up "man" in the dictionary his picture would be below. And no Zach, that is not because he is cromagna man. He is rugged. He has salt and pepper hair and he has a rocket for an arm. Let me take a moment to myself. Ok, whew. He can leave his Wranglers on my floor any night, that's all I a going to say.

6. Johnny Depp.
This is one that will never go away. He is just damn good looking. And is it weird that I find him super attractive when he is dressed like a pirate?

7. Tommy Lee & 8. Dave Navarro.
This one needs some explaining. I am super attracted to dirty dirty rocker dudes... not their STD's. He is nasty and dirty and tattooed and I think it is insanely hot.

So Dave might be gay, he might be straight... but that eyeliner... oh that eyeliner. I love him for the same reasons that I love Tommy, but I feel like I would get less creepy crawlies in my no-no-cha-cha from this guy.

9. Hugh Jackman
Foreign... check! Muscular... check! Hot... check! Able to grow adamantium claws and kill a bitch at a moments notice... check!

10. The Men of Glee.
Minus Artie and Curt... sorry fellas. But the rest are cute and they can sing. Yes please! Mr. Shu is super goofy cute as is Finn. But minus that ridiculous mohawk, Puck is the winner of this group.

Lady Crushes:
1. Pre-Adopting-the-World Angelina.

Any woman that can wear a vial of blood around her neck would be a freak-in-the-sack. That is, if I was into that.


  1. You should change your lady crushes to Sloan and/or Eva Mendes. Holla!

  2. haha love the crush list! I love Hugh Jackman, so sexy...so sexy

  3. Sloan? Who is that? Mendes, yes, she is one hot tamale.

  4. Com'n! Emmanuelle Chriqui! The hottest thing to come out of Canada since Dudley Do-Right.

  5. I read an interview with Ryan Reynolds and he admitted that a fitness magazine accused him of AB implants for his role in Blade. A) Dude is ridiculous cut if someone in the fitness world thinks his stomach is too good to be true B) do people really get AB implants?! The rumors were obviously false; he just spent months getting in shape and cutting his body fat %. I'll concede to a man crush, or at least a respect for the effort to go from skinny to ripped.
